Untitled, P Series, Dogs on White, created in 2011 by George Rodrigue, are a newly released series of prints in 2023. These Estate Editions of 25 and 125, measure 8 3/4 x 7 3/4 inches and are available for purchase from Rodrigue Studios or online.
This newly available series of prints offers special insight into George Rodrigue’s artistic process. He designed these prints in 2011 prior to living with cancer, but their small-scale size were portable, allowing Rodrigue to continue to create as he spent time away from his studio undergoing treatment for his illness.
Throughout his life, Rodrigue found solace in the act of making art. As a young boy, he contracted polio, leaving him bedridden for months. To keep her son engaged and entertained, Rodrigue’s mother purchased him a Paint By Numbers set and modeling clay, sparking his interest in art.
This suite of prints is referred to as the “P series” because Rodrigue intended to make a collection of mixed media works from the prints using puff paint. You may recall that Rodrigue’s mixed media works often consist of a silkscreen printed Blue Dog embellished with colorful, energetic painted details. Puff paints are tubed pigments that, when applied to a surface, have a thick or raised appearance.
Between 2011 and 2012, Rodrigue produced a limited selection of mixed media works, specifically utilizing the light blue versions of the prints from the P series (as shown in the accompanying 2012 image on the left). However, the majority of pieces from this series have remained in their original, unaltered form.
The “P series” prints are printed on an illustration board, the same printing surface the artist commonly used for his mixed media work. With the graphic detailing around their faces, the dogs in this series call back to the early Blue Dogs of the 1990s. This shaggier appearance alludes to the dog’s origins as the loup-garou or werewolf dog and is achieved using the same three-color silkscreen printmaking process Rodrigue employed in the early 1990s.
Given the connection these prints have to pivotal aspects of George Rodrigue’s artistic journey, the Rodrigue family has decided to make these small yet significant works available to collectors.
*Sold Unframed. Price and availability subject to change without notice